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Brahminy Mynah or Brahminy Starling, Sturnus pagodarum


The Brahminy Mynah or Brahminy Starlings, Sturnus pagodarum, is a member of the starling family of birds.


Distribution / Range:

It is a resident breeder in eastern Afghanistan, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. The bird is popularly known as a mynah (Salim Ali describes it as a “typical myna” in its behaviour and appearance, but recent taxonomic classification favours the Starling characterization. Locally the bird is known as Bamani myna (Bengal/Bihar), Kalasir myna (Hindi), Pabiyapawi (Hindi-UP), Harbola (Bengal), Popoya Myna, etc.

This passerine is typically found in dry forest and scrub jungle.


Nesting / Breeding

The Brahminy Starlings builds a nest in hole. The normal clutch is 3-4 eggs.



The adults of these 21cm long birds have grey upperparts and reddish-orange underparts and black wing quills. The head has a black crown, nape (back of the neck) and crest, and the underneath of the tail is white. The bill and the strong legs are bright yellow, and there are yellow wattles (loose folds of skin) on the gape. The recumbent crest may be fluffed up. Young birds have crestless sooty brown head and dull general coloration.

Brahminy Starlings Males and females look alike, but juveniles are duller, lack the crest, and have a brown crown.


Diet / Feeding

Like most starlings, the Brahminy Starlings is fairly omnivorous, eating fruit and insects.


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Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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