Unsorted Wild Birds


The Munias, Mannikins and Silverbills are small passerine birds in the genus Lonchura of the estrildid finch family.

Distribution in the Wild:

They are resident breeding birds in tropical areas — with most variety being found in southern Asia from India and Sri Lanka east to the Indonesia and the Philippines.


They are small gregarious birds that feed mainly on seeds. In captivity, a standard finch mix will suit them fine, in addition to soft food (hardboiled, mashed eggs – especially to be provided during the breeding season) and green foods. Sprouting seed is the simplest way to provide your birds with fresh greens and make a great weaning food.

Habitat in the Wild:

Most are found in relatively open habitats. The nest is a large domed grass structure into which 4-10 white eggs are laid. Some species also build communal roosting nests for overnight rest.


A standard finch boxes can be provided (either half open or hole entrance). Like society or zebra finches they will all stuff themselves into one box. They do well in aviaries. If you can’t set up an aviary — these indoor flights work well. They are very social and peaceful finches.

Mannikins (Genus Lonchura) Species:

  • Black-and-white Mannikin, Lonchura bicolor
  • Bronze Mannikin, Lonchura cucullata
  • Brown-backed Mannikin, Lonchura nigriceps
  • Chestnut Breasted Mannikins
  • Grand Mannikins
  • Gray Crown Mannikins
  • Madagascar Mannikins
  • Magpie Mannikins, Lonchura fringilloides
  • Moluccan Mannikin
  • Rufous-Backed Mannikin
  • White Rumped Mannikin
  • Common Names: White-rumped Munias, Striated Finch, Sharp-tailed Finch, White-backed finch, wild Bangalese
  • White-Spotted Mannikin

Further Finch Reading


Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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