Unsorted Wild Birds

Hume’s Ground Tit

Hume’s Ground Tit (Pseudopodoces humilis), previously known as Hume’s Ground Jay, is a lark-like bird.

This species has only recently been removed, on the basis of DNA analysis, from the Crow family (Corvidae) and placed into the Tit family (Paridae). It is the only species in the genus Pseudopodoces.


It is similar in shape to the (unrelated) genus Podoces but is much smaller, about the size of a House Sparrow. It is a greyish-fawn in color with a tawny flush and has soft, lax feathers on the body.

Hume’s Ground Tit upper part tends to be a darker fawn-brown with the central tail feathers and wing primaries (longest wing feathers) a little darker still. The bill, legs, and feet are black.

The flight of this bird is not strong and it flies low over the ground preferring to run or jump out of the way if approached which it does very quickly.

If chased, it will bolt straight down the nearest hole (very un-birdlike behavior) until the danger has passed, usually caused by a bird of prey.


It occurs from north western Szechuan province in China westwards to Tibet in open, grass steppe type country or sometimes arid regions with small scattered shrubs. It avoids anywhere that has dense vegetation, especially trees.

Diet / Feeding

Food is obtained on the ground and includes a wide range of insect prey often obtained by probing wild Yak dung and turning it over to flush them out. It peers into rock crevices and into holes in the ground also in its search for food.

Nesting / Breeding

The nest is also unusual in being in a tunnel which the bird(s) excavate themselves. It is usually dug horizontally into a bank or wall of earth and can reach a depth of up to 1.8 metres.

The nest is placed at the end of this in a small chamber and consists usually of just wool placed onto a grass base. The 4–6 eggs are pure white and the young stay with their parents for some time after fledging.

Calls / Vocalizations

The voice is described as a plaintive whistling, cheep-cheep-cheep-cheep and it also has a two syllable Finch-like call.


Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.

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