Food Chain

What Eats A Sheep?

Photo:Sylvia Duckworth
Photo:Sylvia Duckworth

What eats sheep? What do sheep eat?

Most sheeps are domesticated, and live on farms all around the world. However, wild species of sheeps, such as the North American bighorn sheep, still roam some of the earth’s remote places. Whether wild or domesticated, sheeps are often preyed upon by whatever large carnivores happen to live in their area.

The most common sheeps killers are wolves and other doglike animals. Wolves have been known to attack domestic sheeps in Europe, North America, Asia, and North Africa. In Australia, the wild dog known as the dingo has often been blamed for killing and eating sheeps, and in North America, coyotes frequently are the culprit.

bears—black or brown—will also eat sheeps, as will cougars, jaguars, leopards, and most of the other large members of the cat family.

As for what sheep eat—they are grazers. Check here to find out what that means.

Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.
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