The Apatosaurus Was An Herbivore. It Is Thought To Have Been a Browser—Though No One Has Ever Seen An Apatosaurus Eat.
The Apatosaurus Was An Herbivore. It Is Thought To Have Been a Browser—Though No One Has Ever Seen An Apatosaurus Eat.

What are herbivores?

An herbivore is any animal that primarily eats vegetation. Some herbivorous animals feed mostly on meadows and pastures, and are called grazers.

Many herbivorous animals wander more wooded or swampy areas, eating a variety of leaves, shoots, twigs, tubers, and fruits. Herbivores that feed this way are called browsers.

When an herbivore feeds primarily on fruits, it is said to be a frugivore, or a frugivorous animal. Many insects, primates, and avians are frugivorous.

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