Food Chain

What Eats Algae?

What Eats Algae? Lots Of Small Creatures Find It Delicious. Photo: Jim Conrad

What eats algae?

What do algae “eat?”

There are many different types of algae, and they can be many different colors, including green, blue, and red. Algae—the plural of the word “alga”—often can be found in water, where it forms gooey mats. Some people call these mats of algae “pond scum.”

Algaes may not look delicious to you, but many creatures could not live without them. The young of many aquatic animals such as frogs, fish, and aquatic (water-dwelling) insects eat algae as their main source of food.

Some adult fish and other creatures also eat algae. Perhaps you have seen a type of catfish that sucks the glass sides of aquariums? These catfish live on algae, which they vacuum off of glass and other objects with their mouths.

As for what algae “eat”—algae do not eat because it is not animals. Algae get their energy from sunlight.

Gordon Ramel

Gordon is an ecologist with two degrees from Exeter University. He's also a teacher, a poet and the owner of 1,152 books. Oh - and he wrote this website.
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